The Edutainment Pilot Project

Stellar created the Abujubuju Baby Song in 2022 to educate mothers and caregivers on the Loving Habits that can stimulate a child’s brain development. The song has since been viewed over 260,000 times.

She also just released My Baby which has over 50,000 views from organic reach in the last four weeks.

Stellar takes the concept of "edutainment" one step further by hosting "keynote concerts" where she combines musical performance with keynote talks on Early Childhood Development including inviting experts on nutrition, entrepreneurship and mental health.

These events have been wildly successful - the most recent one we planned for 1,000 attendees and over 1,600 attended! In the past two years, all her events combined have reached over 40,000 people and her media/radio placements another over 1 million.

She partners with community health centers, houses of worship, county governments and other aligned organizations to put on more events and amplify the message further. See her events in action here

The Edutainment Pilot ProjectMake a lasting change in the community