Gift Connect Global Edutainment Program

The GIFT CONNECT Global Edutainment Program aims to disseminate information to mothers and caregivers on the importance of responsive caregiver-child interactions in the first three years of life.

Educating those who aren’t being reached through traditional methods through the power of music like My Baby and Abujubuju baby song


The founder

Sam Beard is a social entrepreneur and public servant who has dedicated his life to making a difference in the world.

He has created and chaired public service programs for the past eight U.S. Presidents over the last half-century.

Sam formed GIFT CONNECT serve as a crucial bridge between innovators, policymakers, educators, and the general public to push the strongest policy imperative to reverse poverty: Birth to Three.

Sam & Gift Connect has partnered with Stellar Mengele to amplify the importance of Birth To Three globally.

Gift Connect Global Edutainment ProgramMake a lasting change in the community